The Friends have welcomed three new directors to our board within the last year. We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce them to you, what drives their passions, and brings them to dedicate their time, energy, and expertise to the Friends of the Cedarburg Bog.

Danielle Bell, FOCB Communications Chair

Danielle’s passion for the outdoors started as a small child exploring the natural world with her parents. That love and excitement grew through college where a field trip to the Cedarburg Bog was her first exposure to our state natural areas and the intact plant communities of Wisconsin. Since graduating, she has spent the past decade working in the green industry and in 2019, started her own company with the focus of reintroducing native plants into the landscape fabric of our cities and suburbs. She enjoys watching these plants heal the land while providing habitats for our native fauna. There is always something new to discover in nature with every step if you take the time to slow down and be present in the moment. She enjoys being able to share her passions with others and expose them to our natural areas in hopes that they will fall in love with them as much as she has.


Bob Lorence, FOCB Director

One of the main reasons for Bob joining FOCB is that he is a Bog neighbor and has attended classes and events over the last few years. He has walked the trails of the Bog and appreciates its beauty and richness. He remembers canoeing across Mud Lake in his youth and wants to contribute to its preservation, research, and public enjoyment. Being retired and looking for volunteer activities, he has found the Bog to be of great interest and a meaningful use of his time.
Bob has an interest in serving on FOCB’s Stewardship Committee, becoming more active in the Bog Guardian Program, and helping to implement the large grant recently obtained by SEWISC and FOCB for the removal of invasive species. Bob will also help organize and plan volunteer activities for invasive species control and to improve facilities for public use, research, and education.


Brian Morrison, FOCB Director and E&E Chair

Brian Morrison values community and has a diverse background in outreach and event coordinating. Currently President of the South Milwaukee Performing Arts Council and part time Community Outreach Coordinator, his connections to the arts help to give him a unique skillset and creative perspective. Driven by his love for nature and all things wild, he created the educational nature walk series called “Suburban Soles” and developed the “Music at the Market’’ series in his hometown of South Milwaukee.

In 2022, Brian Graduated from the M.A.T.C/Concordia University, with a Bachelor’s degree in Horticulture and a minor in biology. He earned his Master Naturalist certification from Retzer Nature Center and assumed the role of Horticulture Club President while at MATC. Brian took a job with Ozaukee County Parks, as Park Caretaker at Virmond Park, where he now lives and works.

Brian enjoys camping, backpacking and exploring nature through photography. Through his new found love of bee-keeping, he hopes to master the art of brewing honey mead. The quickest way to his heart is a clever name for a well organized community event. Plant puns are tree-mendously appealing, stolen or not.